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“Some birds are not meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild. So you let them go, or when you open the cage to feed them they somehow fly out past you. And the part of you that knows it was wrong to imprison them in the first place rejoices, but still, the place where you live is that much more drab and empty for their departure.” A quote by Stephen King.


What “MY BIO” should look like

I am a real product of this generation of Africans. Born and raised on the continent. I believe I am destined for greatness

What “MY BIO” really is

“Some birds are not meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild. So you let them go, or when you open the cage to feed them they somehow fly out past you...” Quote by Stephen King.

I am a real product of this generation of Africans, born and bred on the continent. I believe there is some physical space located somewhere between our dreams and our realities, some place so hidden and yet so precious that we can’t see it. That is where I would like to reside

I have lived in many places, tried many things and failed many times. I believe what really matters at the end, are the experiences we accomplished.

I have never been fired from a job but have quit every single job that I had, sometime quitting not knowing where the next paycheck will come from, but who cares? Things always work out at the end.

Isn't it? 

I worked in cubicle in the past wearing suit and tie and I also worked in restaurant. I liked none of them.  

I believe I can argue my point.

Some people believe I am friendly but I like to choose my friends.  I like doing my own things. I think I am a very respectful person but I love my space. I don’t like anybody to invade it without my consent.

I have discovered along the way the necessity of eating organic food. And I promote healthy lifestyle.

I have a line of natural skin care products.

Makeda products are distributed all over the province of Quebec.

MAZAO Products is a line of organic super foods distributed in the province of Quebec. Property of Africa, a.k.a POA is a line of clothing. Skin Stuffs with a message.

Humans of AfriKa is a website dedicated to the beautiful people of the continent.

I believe I am a highly intuitive and highly intelligent person.

I love to read everything about black people’s world. ( Past and present).

I like time, better than money. I believe it is a more accurate currency.

 If you want a real “MY BIO “Please read below.

My real “BIO

I get up early every morning.

I do yoga before starting my day.

I try hard to start working before 9 am every day. I try to push the sales of my products.

In my spare time, I write. I don’t write to please anybody, I just write for me. A thing that I like.

I read everything about Africa, past and present. I constantly dream of a glorious future for the next generation of Africans. I have always held somewhere in my imagination a green consciousness, which has recently re-surfaced.

I very much believe in children’s education

What “MY BIO” will look like in the future 

Akovi was a multi-faceted individual, very conscious of the environment and very much engaged in many social causes. He dreamed very big and has finally published some of his works. 

My demands:

The earth for all the people. That is a demand.

The machinery of production and distribution for all the people. That is a demand

The collective ownership and control of industries and its democratic management in the interest of all the people. That is a demand.

The elimination of rent, interests and profits and the production of wealth to satisfy the wants of all the people. That is a demand.

Cooperative industries in which all shall work together in harmony as the basis of the new social order, a higher civilization, a real republic. That is a demand.

The end of class struggles, and class rule, of master and slaves, of ignorance and vice, of poverty and shame, of cruelty and crime, the birth of freedom, the dawn of brotherhood, the beginning of Man. That is a demand.


There's Something in It for Everyone.